French Bread and Coffee for Breakfast
I so missed good french bread ! You don't know what you are missing until you are exposed to it. Crusty on the outside and soft on the inside, stay fresh all day, and only 2 euros (close to $3) for a huge broad loaf. Bread is THE staple of every french meals. For breakfast, with butter and jams, dunked in coffee or hot chocolate. For lunch and dinner, to clean up the sauce in your plate, or accompany your cheese. I am lucky to stay in a small village with 4 different bread shops in walking distance. That's fresh bread every day !
Why is it so hard to find good bread in the US ? Is it because of the ingredients ? Bread and Cie does an excellent job, though. But at $5 a small loaf, a french diet would ruin me ! I wonder if they have a "frequent flyer" program...or a french discount ?!! How about a store in every neighborhoods ? Life could be so simple...
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