That's my goal ! Fluffly and buttery, with a light brown coat that spells "Eat me !"
My first try. Yep, room for improvements !!!!
Technically, it was my second attempt. My first was what started this brioche race I am embarking on. You see, I have this idealized version of a brioche from my youth. Soft, buttery, shaped like a mushroom, and a perfect brown. A baker's brioche ! I set out to make one the other day, using my bread machine. Yes, I was being lazy...I left the kneading to the machine...What a disappointment ! The recipe came right from the bread machine book. Bahhhhh ! Too dense and hard. No brioche, just another yeasty bread...
So that is the backdrop to the little experiment I did tonight, aka my first "real" try at brioch-ing. This time I used a recipe from a french book (what was I thinking the first time????) and my bare hands for the hard work. That piece of art right above is 100% me, sweat and all.
And I like it ! OK, it lacks in shape and color. But the smell while it was baking was divine ! You know, that hot buttery yeasty smell that lingers in bakeries? I was salivating. As soon as it was cool enough to manipulate safely (oww, oww, hot), I tried a piece. Soft and buttery ? Check. Slight yeast taste ? Check. Another piece ? Double check. The dog gave two paws up and opened his mouth for more.
So I have to work on my presentation skills. First stop will be at the store for a brioche pan. But for now, I know what I will be having tomorrow for breakfast...:)
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